Corpus loaders

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About Corpus Loaders Plug-in

Plug-in that contains operations for Anote2 corpus creation derived from existent corpora. In this plug-in it is possible to create a corpus for Genia Event, Yapex Protein and @Notev1. With the loading of the corpora it is possible to include annotation schemas in NER or RE Processes.

  • Genia Event ( Entities and Relations)
  • AIMED Protein ( Entities )
  • @Note v1.0 Loader (Entities)

User HowTOs

Create Corpus By AIMED Corpus

Create Corpus By AnoteV1 Corpus

Create Corpus By Genia Event Corpus

MVC AIBench Model:


CreateCorpusByAIMEDProteinCorpus: To load an AIMED corpus generating a NERProcess with protein annotations in documents.

CreateCorpusByAnotev1Corpus: To load an @Notev1 corpus generating a NERProcess with entity annotations in documents..

CreateCorpusByGeniaEventCorpus: To load Genia Event corpus generating a NERProcess with entity annotations and a REProcess with relations annotated in documents.