RE Model Creation

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Select Option

To create an RE Machine Learning Model using BioTML, the first step is to select the corpus with the RE annotations. To do this, start by loading the RE Process to the Clipboard.
Selecting the RE Process, you should right clic it and choose RE Process -> BioTML Tagger -> Create Model

Create RE Model By BioTML Tagger.png

New Configuration or Load Configuration

A wizard will be presented to configure the model creation process. The first step allows to select two options: Create New BioTML Model Configuration or Load BioTML Model Configuration. To start a new model configuration, select Create New BioTML Model Configuration and press the Next button.

Select New or Load Configuration By BioTML Tagger.png

Select NLP Tokenizer System

A GUI is presented to select the possible NLP systems that are integrated in the BioTML framework. Those systems are used to perform the tokenization of all documents to create a data matrix for machine learning algorithms.
The possible NLP systems to be chosen are the ClearNLP, Stanford Core NLP and OpenNLP. Each system contains a description that is presented on this GUI.

Select NLP System By BioTML.png

BioTML Features Selection

The features selection for machine learning data matrix are selected in this GUI. Regarding the number and type of features, the produced model could have more or less fitting into the data. This selection will have a great impact in the prediction capability, recall and accuracy of the model during the RE annotation.

Attention: The number of features and some feature types could dramatically increase the memory and CPU usage!!

Select Features For BioTML.png

BioTML Model Algorithm Configuration

The machine learning algorithm is selected in this GUI. Advanced settings could appear regarding the selected algorithm type.

For further information's about those advanced configurations please visit the urls: For CRF Informations or For SVM informations

Select Algorithm Settings For BioTML.png

BioTML RE Aproach Type Selection

After the algorithm selection, a GUI is presented to select the possible RE approaches that will be used to train the model.

Select RE Aproach Type For Model Creation By BioTML Tagger.png

Save BioTML Model File

All configurations for RE Model creation are defined. In this Gui, you could define the directory or Zip file that will store the RE Model.

Save Model By BioTML Tagger.png


The RE model creation operation will start and a working window is shown, indicating the execution of the operation. The RE model creation operation will take a few minutes or hours, depending on corpus size and model configurations. When the process ends, a new Zip file containing the RE model will be added to the defined directory in the last GUI.