Patent Pipeline

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About Patent Pipeline

The patent pipeline is a operation to search for patents in on-line patents databanks, given input keywords. To run the pipeline, user must select the option Publication Manager-> Patent Pipeline Search on the Menu Bar.

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Patent Pipeline Wizard Step 1

In this step, you can set up the input keywords to search as well as the query name (you can leave the predefined value to an autonomous name generator). After that, you can skip to the next step pressing the Next button.

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Patent Pipeline Wizard Step 2

To run patent pipeline, you must configure at least one source to the patent IDs and patent metainformation retrieval processes (each one can be accessed clicking on the correspondent tab – evidenced by the red box).

Patent pipeline 3.png

To the patent ID search, you are able to configure several components with the respective access credentials obtained by the registration process. Among these modules, you can configure:

Similarly, to the patent metainformation retrieval, you are able to configure several components with the respective access keys. More precisely, you can configure:

To add a new component, you must select it from the combo box (in blue).

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For each component, the specific settings appear under the combo box (in the area within the orange box).

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After fill that settings you must click on “+” button to add the component into your system. If well configured, the component must appear in the table below the configuration section (in the area within the red box).

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After fill these settings (at least one component per retrieval process), you must click on “Ok” button, initializing the patent pipeline retrieval process.


As the process proceeds you can check the status of activity looking at the progress bar.

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As a result of the process, an IR Report is shown.

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If the query succeeds, the new Query results become available in the Publication Manager View as shown below.

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Default settings can be changed using the Preferences options in the Settings Menu and selecting InformationRetrieval -> PatentPipeline

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