Dictionary Management Content

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General View

In the Dictionary View, it is possible to view and edit dictionary contents.

Dictionary Content Management.png

The Dictionary View contains four sections:

  • List of Classes - in Blue
  • List of Terms - in Red
  • List of Synonyms (for each term) - in Green
  • List of External IDs (for each term) - in Orange

Classes management panel

Creating a New Class

To Create a new class in the dictionary, select the class content panel (Blue) and right click, selecting "Add New Class".

Add Class content1.png

A pop-up window appears where you can select the name of the new class.

Add Class content2.png

After pressing "ok", a new class is added to the panel with the list of classes (Blue)

Editing the Class Name

You can change the name of a class by right clicking over the class name in the class content panel (Blue) and selecting "Edit Class".

Edit Class content1.png

A pop-up window is launched where you can select a new name for the class.

Edit Class content2.png

After pressing "ok", the class name is updated as shown in the class content panel (Blue)

Creating a New Term

You can add a new term in one class by right clicking over the class name in the respective panel (Blue) and selecting "Add term".

AddTerm Class content1.png

A GUI is launched where the user can fill the information about the term:

  • Term name
  • list of synonyms
  • list of External Ids

AddTerm Class content2.png

Removing All Terms

You can remove all terms from a class right clicking the class name in the respective panel (Blue) and selecting "Remove All Terms From Class".

Remove all terms from class.png

Term management panel

Creating a New Term

You can also add a new term in a selected class (the one highlighted in the class content panel) pressing the right mouse button in the term content panel (Red) and selecting "Add New term".

AddTerm Term content.png

A GUI is launched where you can fill the information about the term:

  • Term name
  • list of synonyms
  • list of External Ids

AddTerm Class content2.png

Adding Term Synonyms

A synonym can be added to a term right clicking over the term (in the Term content panel) and selecting "Add Term Synonym".

AddSynonym Term content.png

A GUI is launched where you can add a synonym for that term.

AddSynonym Term content2.png

After pressing "ok" a new synonym will be added to the list in the synonyms panel.

Adding External IDs

External IDs can be added to a term right clicking over the term (Term content panel) and selecting "Add External ID".

AddExternalID Term content.png

A GUI is launched where you can put one or more external Ids.

AddExternalID Term content2.png

Editing Term Name

You can edit a term name pressing the right mouse button over the term (Term content panel) and selecting "Edit Term".

EditTerm Term Content.png

A GUI is launched where you can select the new term name.

EditTerm Term Content2.png

After pressing "ok" the change will be performed

Removing a Term

A term can be can removed by right clicking over it in the Term Content Panel and selecting "Remove Term".

Remove term.png

Removing all Synonyms

You can remove all synonyms from a term by right clicking the term( Term Content Panel) and selecting "Remove all synonyms".

Remove all Synonyms.png

Synonym Management Panel

Adding a New Synonym

You can add a new Synonym by right clicking over the respective panel (Green) and selecting "Add New Synonym".

Add New Syn synonym.png

In the following GUI the user defines the new synonym name.

Add New Syn synonym2.png

Editing a Synonym

You can edit a Synonym by right clicking over the synonym in the respective panel (Green) and selecting "Edit synonym".

Edit synonym.png

In the following GUI, you can defines a new Synonym name.

Edit synonym2.png

Removing Synonyms

You can remove one synonym by right clicking a synonym in the panel (green) and choosing the "Remove synonym" option

Remove synonym.png

Removing all Synonyms

All synonyms of a term can be removed by selecting the "Remove all synonyms" option when right clicking over the Synonym content panel (Green).

Remove synonym2.png

Dictionary Searching

The Dictionary View has the capability to search terms (from a class), using the search box (section in Black).

Dictionary Search1.png

To conduct a searching process, select some options and press the Search button:

  • Match Sensitive : Define if the search is case sensitive or not.
  • Match Whole Word Only : Define if the search matches the whole word or simply part of it.
  • Synonyms : Define if the search is done over the terms or over the terms and synonyms.

The result of a search is a list of matching the conditions. You can navigate the search hits using the next and back buttons.

Dictionary Search2.png