Corpus Create Annotation Schema By NER Lexical Resources

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When there are one or more Corpus available in a clipboard, it is possible to execute an entity name recognition (NER). Named Entity Recognition whit Lexical Resources is a native operation over Corpus(right clicking it - Clipboard).

Corpus -> NER -> Lexical Resources

Corpus Process NER ANote.png

A wizard will be presented. This allows to configure the NER process. The first step is to select the A new NER Process Configuration or apply a older one . Click on new NER Process an continuing Next button.

NER ANote Wizard1.png

In the next step, a lexical resources must be selected for the NER. Here, dictionaries, lookup tables or rule set can be imported for process. After the lexical resources has been chosen continuing Next button.

NER ANote Wizard1a.png
NER ANote Wizard1b.png

the list of possible classes will be presented. The user selects the classes to annotate by moving them from the left to the right list.

After all the configurations have been made, the Execute button (gear icon) has to be pressed. When the button is pressed, the NER operation will start and a small window will appear, indicating the execution of the operation. The NER operation will take a few minutes.

When the process is finished, a new Ner Box List object will be added to the clipboard. This object contains a list of items of the datatype ANoteNerBox, each being the result of a NER operation. The Ner Box List exists because it is possible to create different kinds of configurations to NER (e.g. distinct dictionaries), and each configuration yields a distinct NerBox.