LookupTable Import Element From CSV FIle

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The application allows a set of terms to be imported into a lookup table from a file in the CSV format. The format of this file is quite flexible allowing several different configurations (see definitions and examples below). For that purpose, right click in the lookup table object and select Load Lookup Table (CVS File) in the Lookup Table sub-menu: Resources - Lookup Table-> Load Lookup Table (CVS File).



A graphical interface is launched that allows you to select the file / view information about the first lines and select General Delimiter,Text Delimiter, DefaultValue and column for adding terms and for term classes.

Lookup Table Update CSV.png

  • General Delimiter: overall file delimiter to split the contents of different columns (in Blue)
  • Text Delimiter: delimiter to encapsulate information (in green)
  • Default Value: default value used to represent empty records ( in orange )
  • Column Selection Options: select the column in the file where terms and term classes are defined (In violet)

Lookup Table Update CSV 2.png


Some examples :


General delimiter: TAB ( \t )

text Delimiter: NONE

GRF1         Protein
GRF2         Protein
ATPA         Protein


In the end of this operation you can view a resources update report